Now you see it, then you don’t

DSC_0005  This was last week in the garden. Times have changed dramatically in one short week.

DSC_0001  This was the morning fog a few days ago begging you to peek and see what’s under that heavy mist.

20151109_092656  This was this morning’s frost.

The characteristics of fall are encompassing, softly bringing introspection, showing off its in your face color while quickly becoming sparse signaling that the end is near. The garden is like an old friend saying goodbye but that you’ll see again someday. It shows the beauty of time gone by while making us think about the winter that’s coming.

DSC_0045  20151109_092550  Faces that were hidden all summer peeking out now from behind the branches.

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Have a good week!

It’s a White Week

I recently reconnected with someone whom I consider to have been my angel at a time when I really needed one. Have you ever known that special person who when you’re in a tough place doesn’t say, “let me know if there’s anything I can do”? They just seem to know what that is and then they just do it, boom, done. They won’t take any argument, they’re just there for you and to that I say thank you and I’ll work harder to be that kind of person. So that made me think of angels which then made me think of white so that was my focus this week. That also reminded me that I can’t do everything alone so I ventured out to other gardens. I’ll be doing that more often. I have a very special garden that I’m going to share with you next week. You’ll love it. Anyway, back to white. Here’s a little info about the color, or non-color, white.

White is the color of purity and ultimate peace and surrender. It’s the color of clean, light without color. You can almost smell fresh laundry blowing in the breeze hanging on the clothesline when you think of white. It is a recall of youth and simplicity, innocence, and softness. It’s said if you wear white to bed you’ll have pleasant dreams. I like white. How about you?

p.s. I had to include the green frog – he’s too cute, and alas, not mine.

DSC_0061  DSC_0052  DSC_0042  DSC_0039  DSC_0029  DSC_0016  DSC_0011  DSC_0008  Enjoy your week!