Mary, Mary

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With yarn and paper and chachkies of course,

How about yours?

This garden like all others is a work in progress. So like all gardens, it requires testing, watching, tending, and in this case, its own method of planting – creativity seeds. I guess it would be considered a community garden because there’s more than one gardener and ideas are bouncing everywhere. This is an “ooooh, what if we try this” and “aahhh, that’s awesome” kind of garden. This girl is truly the queen of “urban gardens”. I was so surprised at my own reaction of how happy I was to see my contributions added to the mix. Because I work in paper, it’s time to watch and see what Mother Nature has in store for my flowers. I’m a latecomer so I guess we’ll see if I can stand up to the elements like the others which have survived beautifully. I’m now working on that black line that needs added; as I said, a work in progress. This is way too much fun to be called work. Oh, and the bonus – lunch and a beer afterwards. You can’t beat that!

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