

Anyone who knows me well will tell you I am NOT a winter person, but I can’t keep my eyes off of today’s beautiful view from my desk. The snowflakes keep falling making this scene more and more beautiful by the hour and whispering “come on out”. Trying to work, but we’ll see.

Will You Remember Me When I’m Gone

Wonderful, beautiful people, things and moments come into our lives, and poof, before we know it, they’re gone. These two lovelies need to be on the “remember me list” for the dark, dreary days of winter. It’s a beautiful day, one to be stored in my memory and brought out when I need them.

Have a good week!

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This is the “in between time” in my garden. The beauty of many of the summer blooms are gone but the burst of fall colors haven’t yet arrived. It’s similar to one of those days that none of us enjoy, ho-hum. Thank goodness for my zinnias, the Joymaker’s space. Those colorful flowers are still making me smile while everything else pales around it. Even the butterflies are still drinking nectar from that rainbow of warmth. The rest of the garden challenged me to look for photo fodder to keep up my daily challenge. The good news – I’m reminded of the importance of looking into things rather than at them; and then appreciate what’s actually happening and how beautiful it can be – in its own way.

Have a good week.

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It’s Purple Week

Let’s talk about purple today…or is it violet….or is it lilac…or is it lavender…or maybe orchid? Whatever you call it; it certainly is beautiful and eye catching in the garden. Everyone has a different word to describe this color that’s simultaneously warm and cool. It’s the most intuitive of all colors. It can be rich and royal like the purple velvet robes worn by royalty so many years ago or it can be soft and delicate like a young girl’s accessories. It can be mysterious or associated with spirituality or it can even suggest romance or creativity or even moodiness.  Lighter shades can be precious or refined. Sounds like a rainbow all of its own. Perhaps that’s because of the conflicting red and blue base – a little color theory lesson in there. What a fickle color! But fun.

Have a good week.

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Yawn, it’s the lazy days of summer

This is the time of summer in the garden when not much is happening. Nothing new is popping up. I’m getting a tomato here, a tomato there, nothing major, not much at all. We haven’t had any rain, and my flowers as well as myself have been in a holding pattern, ho-hum. There’s always next week. I think I’ll talk about the characteristics of purple…or should I say violet? Enjoy your week.

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Yellow Sunshine!

After weeks of rain, rain, rain, we finally had a week filled with sunshine. I wonder if people who don’t have rainy day after rainy day can fully appreciate the feeling of warmth and happiness of the sun shining on their face.  Hmm, I wonder; I know I can. Anyway, I loved all that sunshine this week and it made me think of yellow. So let’s celebrate yellow. Yellow represents happiness and optimism. It’s stimulating, it’s hope when things seem down, it’s cheerful and oh so positive. It can’t help but make us feel good.

So this week…close your eyes and pretend to skip down the yellow brick road. Or you can bop your head from side to side while singing “We all live in a Yellow Submarine” while you look up and enjoy the warm sun on your face. I’ll bet you smile. Enjoy this week’s pics, they’re YELLOW.

We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine……

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Mary, Mary

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With yarn and paper and chachkies of course,

How about yours?

This garden like all others is a work in progress. So like all gardens, it requires testing, watching, tending, and in this case, its own method of planting – creativity seeds. I guess it would be considered a community garden because there’s more than one gardener and ideas are bouncing everywhere. This is an “ooooh, what if we try this” and “aahhh, that’s awesome” kind of garden. This girl is truly the queen of “urban gardens”. I was so surprised at my own reaction of how happy I was to see my contributions added to the mix. Because I work in paper, it’s time to watch and see what Mother Nature has in store for my flowers. I’m a latecomer so I guess we’ll see if I can stand up to the elements like the others which have survived beautifully. I’m now working on that black line that needs added; as I said, a work in progress. This is way too much fun to be called work. Oh, and the bonus – lunch and a beer afterwards. You can’t beat that!

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