The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

It’s fascinating to me that sometimes my life and my garden seem to be on the same path at the same time. Maybe their energies mimic each other; I don’t know. Even though I do believe that the seasons of a garden are reflective of the seasons of life; I haven’t quite thought about it exactly this way.

This has been one of those weeks. I have been busier than busy pushing out, listening to, and thinking about as much as I can. While some of the things that were happening or I was doing were absolutely wonderful; others were stressful, or sad, or just not very good. You know those times that I’m talking about – really full and bursting with energy and stuff, good and bad. Some plants in my garden are pushing out their very best and as much as they can while others have given up and are either dying or going to sleep until next year. Some look very tired and others are screaming “look at me’. This is one of the best times.

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I Get By With a Little Help from My Friends

John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote “With a Little Help from My Friends” for Ringo Starr. Cool, huh? friend stuff. Enter more friend stuff. The song’s real success came when Joe Cocker changed it from 4/4 time to 3/4 time which completely changed the feel of the song, and it gives us the opportunity to do that back and forth sway thing when we hear it. I hope my piano teacher is paying attention because my challenge with timing really frustrates her. Anyway, John & Paul were thrilled with the change and they gave Joe major kudos in the music world and as a result, we all know this time honored song.

Fast forward to September, 2015 with a completely different cast of characters. It’s week 18 of my ongoing 365 project, and I just couldn’t pull it together this week. Major aha moment – call on “A Little Help from My Friend”. I reached out to my friend Jane, yeah, that’s her real name, and da-duh, lucky us, we have flower pics. They aren’t just your run of the mill pics, they are beautiful representing her garden which is lovely, loved, and so well maintained. This gave me a chance to get re-energized and re-focused while sharing a friend’s love of her garden. I sometimes like to show you other gardens because each one is unique and has a personality of its own, just like us.

So, this week, not only am I “getting by with a little help from my friend”, but like John & Paul, I’ve been given a chance to re-examine and love my project.  Just like flowers in a garden, we all need tending.

Thanks Jane.

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Will You Remember Me When I’m Gone

Wonderful, beautiful people, things and moments come into our lives, and poof, before we know it, they’re gone. These two lovelies need to be on the “remember me list” for the dark, dreary days of winter. It’s a beautiful day, one to be stored in my memory and brought out when I need them.

Have a good week!

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If you go to South Park on a Tuesday afternoon you’ll find volunteers working in a demonstration garden who can answer your questions about flowers that do well in our area – even with deer; who knew. These folks are members of the Penn State Master Gardeners of Allegheny County and they are testing these beautiful pollinating gardens.

The Penn State Master Gardeners of Allegheny County will host a special annual event at South Park and North Park on Saturday, August 15, from 9:00am to 1:00pm educating county residents about gardening in our area. They will have tasting stations, tons of information and children’s activities. In addition to this special event and the knowledgeable volunteers, you’ll want to check out their website, Allegheny County Penn State Extension – TONS OF INFORMATION.

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This week let’s have some fun and THINK PINK. The color pink is sweet, romantic and charming. It’s cotton candy, a celebration and fun, excitement, youthful, warm, playful and tender. Pink is nurturing and soothing. It represents the feminine principal, the survival of the species. If you like pink you’re loving and sensitive. You’re friendly but you often tend to keep your inner feelings hidden. Men who like pink are comfortable with their “feminine side” so ease up guys, it’s a good thing. A pale dull pink is calming, low energy, deferring, and placid. A bright pink has high energy and exciting. It’s been said that large amounts of pink can create a physical weakness in people, known as the “weaker sex”. I don’t know about that whole weak thing as being an accurate description.


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