John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote “With a Little Help from My Friends” for Ringo Starr. Cool, huh? friend stuff. Enter more friend stuff. The song’s real success came when Joe Cocker changed it from 4/4 time to 3/4 time which completely changed the feel of the song, and it gives us the opportunity to do that back and forth sway thing when we hear it. I hope my piano teacher is paying attention because my challenge with timing really frustrates her. Anyway, John & Paul were thrilled with the change and they gave Joe major kudos in the music world and as a result, we all know this time honored song.
Fast forward to September, 2015 with a completely different cast of characters. It’s week 18 of my ongoing 365 project, and I just couldn’t pull it together this week. Major aha moment – call on “A Little Help from My Friend”. I reached out to my friend Jane, yeah, that’s her real name, and da-duh, lucky us, we have flower pics. They aren’t just your run of the mill pics, they are beautiful representing her garden which is lovely, loved, and so well maintained. This gave me a chance to get re-energized and re-focused while sharing a friend’s love of her garden. I sometimes like to show you other gardens because each one is unique and has a personality of its own, just like us.
So, this week, not only am I “getting by with a little help from my friend”, but like John & Paul, I’ve been given a chance to re-examine and love my project. Just like flowers in a garden, we all need tending.
Thanks Jane.