The Switch to Darkness

Daylight Savings Time has ended and we are once again entering the dark days of winter. It’s time to dust off my Happy Light and sit in front of it for my morning bike ride to nowhere so I can trick myself into thinking that I am basking in a copious amount of daylight for a few months. It’s only been one day and I’m already bummed and the trick isn’t working. But, it did remind me of the darkness that is a result of the recent hurricane and how difficult it must be for those folks who are dealing with the terrible aftermath. That being said, I hope you have already donated to the American Red Cross to help get some light into the lives of those affected. This gave me an idea. We are told to change our batteries in our smoke alarms on New Year’s Day and the Fourth of July to keep ourselves safe. Why don’t we use the “darkness day”, Daylight Savings Time ending, to remind us to donate to the American Red Cross or the responders of your choice supporting those who aid others who have been placed into some kind of darkness. I’ve decided to annually shine some light on darkness day. Just a thought for you…

2 thoughts on “The Switch to Darkness”

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