Many artists journal, daily, occasionally, have or carry a sketchbook. They say it helps them to call in their creative spirit. They say it helps them to grow as artists. It’s highly touted. I haven’t done this since I was in school because I became a “headsketcher”. I work out visual problems in my mind while I’m doing some unrelated tasks, I’m thinking it through, line by line, color by color, layout, etc. Now I do fulfill my need for moving marking tools on paper by doodling on napkins, tax returns (for some reason frowned upon), and recently, a tablet; but no real work through it record nor calling in my muse on a regular basis. However, I was faced with a dilemma. My current project is too large and has too many components. I’m writing and illustrating a book, so I couldn’t seem to stay motivated because the project is too large for headsketching. I was hitting a wall, a very large, very strong, very nasty, white brick wall. Got the image? So after pondering and questioning myself, do I really want to do this journal thing? I decided to jump in the water thinking maybe there’s something to it and what could it hurt, I was already in the weeds so… I did it and it’s wonderful!
I’m taking an online journaling class with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer because she follows the more is best notion and seems to throw control pretty much out the window but don’t let that fool you. She definitely knows what she’s doing and why. Her process allows one to throw caution and perfection to the wind and just have fun. But it is really helping to stretch which is something I think we probably all need. I’m being fed as an artist while playing, that’s a win-win. I look forward to beginning my day with this half hour and who knows, maybe I’ll keep it up forever. It really does jump start the creative process. So thanks Julie, I’m having fun while feeling more creative. It looks like I’ll get that book done after all.
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with a pen while a few others is given a small stapler on it.